BCA – Corporate
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
3 Year Regular Bachelor Program
Affiliated to Rani Channama University
About the Program :
First in Belagavi to Introduce Education 4.0
The Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) + Industry Linked Coursesis a new generation Bachelor Degree in Computer Applications Program offered by People Tree College.With the rapid growth of IT industry in India, the demand of computer professional is increasing day by day. This increasing growth of IT industry has created a lot of opportunities for the computer graduates.
The Course is fine tuned to meet the current trends and also future needs of the Industry/Corporate.
The Course is designed to groom the students professionally and personally.
PTeSwelcome students to join for BCA Program with Education 4.0.
- IOS Development
- Big Data Analytics
- Full Stack Developer
- Graphic Designing
- Digital Marketing
1.The BCA Program trains the students on various technologies like Core Programming Languages,SoftwareEngineering,WebScripting,Artifical Intelligence etc..
2.This Program incorporates training and practical experience, in the form case studies, presentations, internships, industrial visits, fests, workshop and interaction with experts from the industry.
3.The Programs give exposure to students in Entrepreneurship for their Start-Ups
The Program trains the students in verticals like Machine Learning ,AI,Software Testing & QA and Digital Marketing
5.The Program gives pre-placement training for helping the students to get Campus Placements from Placement Cell.
Outcome of the Program/Course :After the Completion of BCA Program, The students can be placed in the industry of Private as well as Government Sector.
1.System Engineer
2.Software Tester
3.Management Trainee
4.Junior Programmer,WebDeveloper
5.System Administrator
6.In Government Organizations like Indian Air Force, Indian Army, Indian Navy
They can also opt for higher education like MCA/MBA
Eligibility: 10+2 Pass with PUC Science, Commerce, Diploma in Engineering who completed 3 years.
Duration:3 Years (6 Semester)
Affiliated to Rani Channama University
PeopleTree BCA is affiliated to Rani Channamma University Belagavi, Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka. With 4 P’s (Pace, Performance, Perfection and Productivity) of excellence towards perfection has successfully completed its 10 glorifying years of educational excellence, creating 500+ computer professionals and budding entrepreneurs.
Projects Beat Lectures
Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning.
Project-based curricula encourage practice, emulate real work environments, and increases knowledge retention. At PTES, we’ve always used project-based learning and students have loved it. Learning occurs when students can make connections between real experiences (projects) and concepts. Our new approach creates this ideal learning environment and resulted in a few unexpected benefits that we’re excited about:
It allows students of different skill levels to engage with our course material.
It encourages a proper workflow, more effectively teaching concepts like version control and debugging, and Students gain the confidence to ask the right questions.
Mini Projects:
The idea of Mini Project helps students to explore and strengthen the understanding of fundamentals through practical application of theoretical concepts. It acts like a beginners guide to do larger projects later in their career. It also gives the practical application of learnt concepts in the form of small apps, prototypes or small scale software modules.
The domain chosen for the mini projects will be usually:
C and C++
Android etc
Various Student Development Programs practiced @PTESBCA
Incubation Centre
Earn while you learn
Personality Development-emphasis on spoken English, soft skills, and hard-core technical skills.
Workshops, Seminars, E-Lectures from reputed IT professionals on regular basis.
Scholarship program for meritorious students.
Industrial visits, Excursion and sports.
PeopleTree Incubation Centre (PTIC)
People Tree Incubation Center (PTIC) is an umbrella for freshers’ who wish to seek corporate training in the beginning phase. Its main aim is to nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship among some talented and ambitious students. Students develop Softwares which are under sale in future aspect. “If you want to join the corporate world and want a minimum of failure risk too then PeoploeTree Incubation Centre (PTIC) is the place for you”.
PTIC consists of well-trained IT professionals who are well versed with ins & outs of software development. PTIC deals with live-projects which has great value in the real corporate world. The projects executed at PTIC consist of client interaction, project documentation, product development and delivery. PTIC provides a means of Earn while you learn, with exposure to live-projects.
@PTIC, We provide a TECHNICAL expertise for ones growth with all the necessary office facilities under one roof and that’s not all; we drive our strength from a team of IT professionals who always are ready to help you find your way to success with wide variety of options in the field of development. We always look forward to welcome enthusiastic, innovative entrepreneurs. Taking on the traditional role of an incubation facility or an ‘Incubator’, PTIC provides you a business-conducive environment with necessary strategic and operational support services.
PTIC provides training for different courses which are apart from the University Syllabus, which is not being delivered at Degree or Master’s Degree Level. Thus PTIC is a place which gives you the knowledge after working hours as the activity never ends at 5PM every day. The lab is kept open 24/7 as per the need & requirement of the students.
The various technologies implemented under PTIC are .NET, JAVA, JSP, PHP, ANDROID, UINTY 3D, IoT, iOS, QA & SOFTWARE TESTING ,Python etc.
BCA is a new age degree programme in the field of computer applications. This course is for those who want to make their career in Computer Science / IT. The programme is aimed at infusing students with core competency in computer applications and necessary skill sets required to pursue a rewarding career in IT/ IT enabled Industry or a pathway to higher education like MCA, M.Sc (IT) or MBA. In BCA, students are exposed to various areas of computer applications including the latest developments keeping pace with the industry.
The programme is equally devided into six semesters.The pedagogy includes Classroom lectures, Lab sessions and Projects.
The BCA Curriculum is actually need-based. A wide range of areas
Developing Languages skill/soft skills through Personality Development syllabus,
Windows programming using VB.Net, C# on .NET framework,
Unix and shell programming,
Object Oriented Programming with C++, Java,
Software Engineering and Software testing to ensure quality Assurance,
Data Base Management Systems, Operating Systems,
Web Programming ,
Unix & Networking,Logic designing,
knowledge of Data warehouses and Big data,
Development and deployment of mobile apps,
Games development using latest tools and technologies.
Graduates in this programme will find triangular career path – BCA leading to MCA, BCA leading to Direct access to I.T. Sector, as System Manager or System analyst, BCA leading to PGDIT and any advanced Computer Courses in India and abroad.
1st Rank 2nd Rank 3rd Rank
Readers Club: Reader’s club is mainly focused in improving the spoken skills of the students. Here the students are motivated to read various English Story books, Novels, Magazines and News papers and discuss among themselves.
The importance of having readers club is gaining new insight or perspectives on issues that matter to the reader that helps them to have a new understanding of the world around them. Readers can apply the insight in everyday life or as a way of building upon the knowledge that already encompasses their mind and enrich their lives.
English Club: It aims to promote the use of English through story telling and drama and to provide students with opportunities to use English purposefully. Its activities are student-centered and often involve students’ active participation making the learning experience both fun, dynamic, and authentic.
Movie Club: Movie club is conducted as a part of weekly activities where animated movies are shown and students are asked to write the reviews of the movies. The opinions/reviews gathered about movies include
Perceptions of the importance of film.
• Perceptions of the relative importance of art forms (music, film, literature, photography, visual art,
animation, graphics etc).
• Recollection of life changing films.
Prestans Club: To enhance the technical knowledge about the learnt concepts through some smart techniques to solve puzzles, smart programming tricks etc.
Quiz Club: Quizzing is the art of the intellect .General knowledge contributes to personal enrichment and a better understanding of the world as a whole.
The quiz club aims at identifying students talented in quiz and creating opportunities for them to sharpen their quizzing skills. The Quiz Club is to update the knowledge of the students in various fields like academic, general knowledge, analytical abilities, quantitative reasoning etc.
Technical Club: Technical Communication is important for several reasons. Legal requirements demand that products be released with accompanying documentation. To meet this requirement, Technical Communicators create documents ranging from user guides to API documents and Troubleshooting Manuals.
Technical Communication is a form of writing that involves conveying technical information to an audience. Information conveyed through Technical Communication can be about products (such as a user guide for a mobile phone), about a company (such as an annual report released to stakeholder) or about concepts (such as training material on Effective Communication such as presentations, Resume writing, interview etiquettes, mailing, lab reports, diagrams, SRS documentation , preparing final project reports etc).
Job Opportunities for Technical Writers in the IT industries include: Tech Writer / Technical Content Writer with TeamSite, Technical Publishing Writer/Content Writer, Instructional Designers, And Technical Talent Recruiter, Documentation Specialist, Proposal Manager etc.
Accolade-Rewarding the Excellent, is an in-house IT fest organized by PTES BCA every year. It is a two days IT fest, which is organized by students mix of final year, second year and first year. The remaining students from all the three years participate in the contest. The organizing group is constantly guided by the faculty members and supported by the management.
Accolade is a step taken by the students and faculty members of PTES, and is greatly appreciated and supported by the Management of PTES Family. The Management provides every necessary element for the success of the two days IT Fest. The support from the Management gives confidence to the students to learn, not only Technical qualities but also Management qualities.
The various events conducted in the two days are as follows but not limited to
Best Manager
• IT Quiz
• Coding and Debugging
• Web Designing
• Communication and Presentation
• LAN Gaming
• Team Event
All the above activities help the students to participate in the contest, compete, win and also learn lots of new things. The versioning of Accolade has been till now are:
Accolade #1.10,Accolade #2.11,Accolade #3.12,Accolade #4.13 ,Accolade #5.14, Accolade #6.15, Accolade #7.16,Accolade #8.17
Photos to be inserted here…
A National Level IT Fest: Alchemy – Excellence on its Way…
Technology is prenominal. In few years from now technology will reach a new level of personalization that will enhance every moment of our lives.
ALCHEMY is a National Level IT fest hosted by PTES BCA every year for the various other BCA and BSc students of in and around Belagavi. It is full of technical events dedicated to excellence and helping student participants to be the Best that they can be; The name ALCHEMY is derived from Alchemists who convert base metal to gold and also known as Arcticians.
ALCHEMY is a two days plethora of enthralling events and workshops depicting a conflation of technologies. This platform will help student participants to enhance their talent, to test their knowledge and prove themselves.
The various events conducted in the two days are as follows but not limited to:
Best Manager
• System Analyst
• IT Quiz
• Coding and Debugging
• Web Designing
• Communication and Presentation
• IT Marketing
• Treasure Hunt
• LAN Gaming
• Ice-Breaker
• Dance
ALCHEMY adopts new technology every year for the competition. The versioning of ALCHEMY has been:
ALCHEMY #1.11 – Globalization
ALCHEMY #2.12 – JAWS Java Android Windows Symbian, the mobile era.
ALCHEMY #3.13 – Fu-Gen, the Future Generation.
ALCHEMY #4.14 – WHITE, Where Human Intelligence Technology Creates Excellence.
ALCHEMY #5.15 – NEXT, New Extended Technology.
ALCHEMY #6.16 – UIUX, Unleash the new trend.
ALCHEMY #7.17 – WEB JAVA, A new revolution in the web world.
ALCHEMY #8.19 -Artificial Intelligence,Journey to world where robots dream and desire
The importance of Alchemy and how we differentiate ourselves from other IT Fests is the highlights of our fest as follows:
Fest conducted in the least budget
• Two days of complete learning
• Workshops conducted for all the participating students
• Guest lectures
Photos to be inserted here…
Alumni Association
As a dynamic organization, the Alumni Association strives to nurture a lifelong intellectual and emotional relationship with the college and amongst Alumni, which provides sustainable platform for effective networking, goodwill and support.
The purpose of an association is to foster a spirit of loyalty and to promote the general welfare of your organization. Alumni associations exist to support the parent organization’s goals, and to strengthen the ties between alumni, the community, and the parent organization.
A registered alumni association is formed at PTES level, has its own structure with President, Vice President, Treasurer and passing out students getting registered with the association every year.
Today, alumni relations is an important part of an institution’s advancement activities for many reasons: Alumni are an institution’s most loyal supporters. …Alumni are great role models for current students and are often well placed to offer practical support to students as they start their careers.
PTES Alumni Association is engaged in the following Objectives:
To play a proactive and supportive role for the college.
To serve as a link between the faculties, students, management and the industries.
Brings an effective, cohesive and mutually beneficial networking between the members of the alumni.
Help to organize social events, publish newsletters or magazines, and raise funds for the organization.
Workshops/Guest Lectures/E-Lectures/Seminars
E-Lectures Conducted:
Need of E-Lectures: PeopleTree Education Society proudly introduces another innovation for its graduate programs – Lecture Series, to inspire and motivate young minds by connecting them with the eminent practitioners in the corporate world. It offers an opportunity to have live interactions with personalities who contribute to the business world in their own special way. As the home for interdisciplinary graduate study at PeopleTree, the Graduate School is pleased to host the lectures which helps broaden one’s horizon.
Topics Covered:
Entrepreneurship in India and how it helps create social change.-Mr.Ankur Gupta
Life skills out there- How to manage conflict, How to prepare for a job interview and
How to manage workplace stress. – Mr.Atul Gupta
Workshops Conducted:
IoT – Mr. Mayur Patil Asst.Professor SDM’s Engineering College, Dharwar.
UI/UX – Mr.Toufiq Ammanagi, TechTree IT Systems Pvt Ltd India, Belagavi branch.
Software Testing- TechTree IT Systems Pvt Ltd India, Bengaluru Branch.
Android- Mr.Nandish Asangi, an alumni PTeS BCA.
Unity-3D: Ms.Sneha Hondadkatti,
iOS- TechTree IT Systems Pvt Ltd India, Bengaluru Branch.
Guest Lectures Conducted:
“Need of Counselling in Educational Institutes” by Mrs.Vandita Chatapalli, a well known Consulting Counsellor.
Business Intelligence by Mr. Vikram Marali, an alumni PTeS BCA and Business Analyst in TechTree IT Systems Pvt Ltd India, Belagavi branch.
Career Opportunities by Mr. Vikram Marali an alumni PTeS BCA and TechTree IT Systems Pvt Ltd India, Belagavi branch.
Cultural Diversity-Mr.Vilas
SAP – System Application & Products in Data Processing – Diya’s Institute of Technology, Kelkarbag, Belagavi.
Cloud Computing and AWS- Cloud Academy, Kakatives Belagavi.
“Job Opportunities and Skills required in Technical and Non-technical (Aviation) Industries” by Mr.Tousif Aga, an alumni PTeS BCA and Cabin Crew Go Air.
Seminars Conducted:
Scope for Business Analyst
Career Guidance on How to prepare for –UPSC/IPSC/IAS/KAS
Games are the important source for the growth and development of mind and body. Sports have been useful way to increase mastery of nature and environment for people. Sports involve basic human skills being and exercised for their usefulness.
Sports help us to have a competitive approach. Thus our college pays keen heed for organizing this event. Equal opportunities are given to both boys and girls. Separate teams are made and every student evolves a sense of team spirit within themselves. Both Indoor and Outdoor games are exercised by students.
Indoor games include Playing Chess, Carrom, Table tennis, LAN gaming. Outdoor games include Track and field events such as 100mts running, Relay, Kabaddi, Cricket, Football, Lagori, Throw ball etc.
The importance of excursion includes giving students the chance to build closer bonds with their classmates, experience new environments and enjoy a day away from the classroom.
The excursion provides an opportunity for total immersion in the natural environment and social setting. On such excursions, the student practices his social skills and critical thinking abilities outside of the controlled class setting.
Student Development Programs:
From the daily busy schedule, students don’t get time for themselves, where they can improve their own skills or inculcate some new arts within themselves. Thus we have introduced Weekly activities. Here we have live learning environment for the student’s interest.
Various games and competitions are conducted. This helps us to gain knowledge and students grow enthusiastic.
Weekly Activities:
As the name is self-explanatory. These are carried out every week to develop good oratory, designing, managerial and leadership skills among students in which the following activities which include: quiz, designing, coding, communication, best manager, system manager, team events etc will be conducted. These activities are conducted apart from our designed schedule so as to learn new things. These activities give us an opportunity to utilize our time in a better place.

Prof.Anil Halbhavi

Prof.Akshata Chougule

Prof.Sushma Hiremath

Prof.Namrata Patil

Prof.Shubha Patil

Prof.Soumya Patil
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Contact Us
Peopletree Education Society
Plot No.10588/1,2,3 Behind Hotel Ramdev, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum, Karnataka 590010.
Phone Number: 9620271868